
Last night we start healing prayer with new group. They are so wounded, but better now. And last night we talk about rejection. And one of them start to cry and cry. One of them fears being alone and we have time to pray and talk. Last night, Baba, was good, praise Lord. Healing is so good!

I told to new group last night that after some months you will talk with Baba Mike and have counseling time. They are so wounded but GOD WILL HEAL THEM – LIKE ME!

T., a pastor from Iran after a week of intensive training and several months of teaching her and other pastors over Skype.

Mike, I am ETERNALLY GRATEFUL for how you have poured into me over the years, and for your gentle, lovingkindness throughout my deliverance and healing process. I brag about you often. You set a standard which I seek to emulate with those whom the Lord entrusts to me.

I could go on, but words would simply fail. There is no way I know to thank you for the kindness and generosity you've shown to myself, and no doubt countless others. That kindness is already, and continues to, reverberate across eternity and so many people's destinies.

Mike, thank you, forever.

Tom, who volunteered to be our "example" as we taught a seminar on Healing Conversations. That began a series of private meetings for healing and deliverance. Now he helps people in a similar ministry.

I thank God for your lives, your time, dedication and the love you have give us during this time here with us in Rancho Santa Marta (a home for children and a school).

It is difficult for me to recognize and accept this, but I believe God is faithful like you said. He loves and loves me personally.

You encourage me to keep fighting and persevering in my relationship with God. I am so amazed at how God is using you in other countries with people that need you. God doesn’t have borders!

Please pray for my family (my husband and I). We need God and we need to love each other.

God’s blessings and with love, Reyna

Reyna, a teacher at RSM after an intensive week of training in Mexico

Beloved brother Mike and sister Carolyn. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for so many blessings that you have brought to my life.

I’d like to tell you that when I found out the person’s name that was going to teach us was Mike, I immediately remembered the name of the man that God used to minister and help me find freedom in Christ Jesus a long time ago. But I didn’t really think that the same Mike that years ago God used in my life was coming. But deep inside I had hope that it would be the same Mike. When you arrived, I felt a great joy in my heart.

Once again I give thanks to God for your lives and for everything He’s taught us through you. Love in Christ, Monica

Monica, a teacher at RSM after an intensive week of training in Mexico